Item Details

Aeration can improve the health of your lawn by relieving soil compaction, improving water and nutrient movement in the soil, and prevents thatch accumulation.

Ideal for aerating large open spaces, lawns ,sports fields, ect.
Core aeration – up to 3″ depth
48″ width
Pull with an average riding mower or tractor.  Universal hitch
Independent tine rotors for maneuverability around corners and tight areas.
Add weight by filling water jugs.

Tip: In Iowa, September and April are the best times to aerate Kentucky bluegrass and other cool-season lawns.  While the overall results are beneficial, core aeration causes some initial damage.  Aerating in September or April allows the grass to quickly recover during the favorable growing conditions in spring and early fall.   It’s also best to aerate before applying pre-emergence herbicides, as aerating after can reduce the chemical barrier and allow weeds to germinate. After aerating, you should water your lawn, especially in areas that are prone to drought and high temperatures.